artificial intelligence in education and problem based learning

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  • #34300

    Kecerdasan Buatan kini menjadi sebahagian daripada kehidupan normal kita. Kami dikelilingi oleh teknologi ini dari sistem tempat letak kenderaan automatik, sensor pintar untuk mengambil gambar yang menakjubkan, dan bantuan peribadi. Begitu juga, Kecerdasan Buatan dalam pendidikan sedang dirasakan, dan kaedah tradisional berubah secara drastik.
    Students seldom remember lessons taught in isolation. They are far more likely to retain learning if it connects across multiple disciplines. When the brain has a chance to connect to new information many times and in different ways, the knowledge is more likely to become deeply embedded in memory.
    Learning is about being curious and taking risks. Allow students the opportunity to make mistakes and recover from them as part of the learning process. Provide sufficient time for exploration, discovery, and reflection.
    With AI, adaptive learning environments can further improve to offer an exceptional learning experience for all students. Adaptive learning environments are defined by Pearson as:
    A digital learning environment that adapts teaching and learning approaches and materials to the capabilities and needs of individual learners.
    Adaptive learning responds to the student’s needs, putting greater emphasis on certain topics, repeating things the students need to improve, and helping them learn at their own pace. Many students find bad pacing of online courses to be a problem and personalized learning solves this issue by adapting to the individual needs of a student.

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