Database Systems

សម្ព័ន្ធភាព៖ សាកលវិទ្យាល័យថេស្សាលី (UTH)
ដំណោះស្រាយ៖ បុគ្គល | រយៈពេល៖ មួយទៅពីរម៉ោង



Problem published by: George Papageorgiou The aim of the problem is for students to understand very basic principles of a database system. After completing the activity, students will become familiar with database programming languages as well as the problems that prevail in them. It will also create in students a way of thinking of creating queries very useful for quick search.


Students through this assignment will: • Understand the role and architecture of DB systems • Acquisition of knowledge and skills of modeling and design of DBS • Acquisition of knowledge and skills of DBS programming • Familiarity with the Physical Organization of the DBS


This activity can be used in a Database Systems course. This course can be found in the undergraduate curriculum of computer science departments. It is very basic and that is why it is a core lesson, while the broader goal of the course is to understand the operation of a database, how the database communicates with the user and the language in which the database communicates with the user.