A PBL based educational program in CSCL environment(Greek Language)

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  • #34302
    Antonis TseosAntonis Tseos
    Người tham gia

    Research has shown that the acquisition of students’ collaboration and language skills is more effective through web-based instruction and computer-meditated communication. Several researchers support that in this way, learners connect to a larger extent and in a better way with authentic language learning environments and become more experienced in collaborative learning and social interaction which are associated with the improvement of language learning skills. Taking all the above into account, the main aim of this research is the design and implementation of an educational scenario, which is based on the principles of a theoretical model in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) environment so as, through a series of sessions, students to work in groups and to improve their collaborative and language learning skills. To be more specific, the aim of the research is to evaluate to what extent the theory of PBL (Problem Based Learning) combined with the Jigsaw II collaborative strategy, while implemented in an educational scenario, can improve, in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) environment, the collaboration and language learning skills of high school students in the discipline of Language. The proposed educational environment is incorporated in an open-source online Learning Management System (Moodle). In this environment, students interact and collaborate in groups. This reasearch’s innovation is the attempt to find out in which way PBL could be implemented in language teaching and specifically in teaching Greek language for high school students in a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) environment in order to enhance and improve their collaboration and language learning skills.

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