របៀប ប្រើប្រាស់ Tomada de decisão ក្នុង ការ សរ សរ កូដ
គោលបំណង សំខាន់ គឺ បង្រៀន អោយ និស្សិត ចេះ ប្រើប្រាស់ Tomada de decisão នៅក្នុង ភាសា កូដ។ Tomada de decisão (រឺ ត្រូវ បាន គេ ហៅថា Declaração condicional) មាន ដូចជា if, if-else, if-else if –else។

Classifying Sorting Algorithm Using Buzz Group and ...
This session is to enable student to learn about 5 major sorting algorithm as well as how they are implemented and classification. The student should also be able to discuss the advantages and disa...

Memahami Konsep Algoritma Kawalan Aliran Menggunakan Dron ...
Modul ini bertujuan untuk pelajar menggunakan algoritma kawalan aliran untuk melakukan navigasi dron secara automatik. Pada akir modul ini, pelajar akan dapat menulis program Python/DroneBlocks men...

Introduction to Programming logic
Scratch(https://scratch.mit.edu/) helps young people learn to think creatively, methodically, and collaborate - essential skills for life in the 21st century. It aims to teach programming concepts ...

Decision Making in Programming
To make students learn on how to you decision making in programming. The decision making includes if syntax, if-else syntax, and if-else if-else syntax.