Numeric Systems
This problem is intended to provide students with a basic understanding of how numeric systems, from binary to hexadecimal, work.
Design of traffic lights in a crossroad
To design a real system using Arduino (or Raspberry Pi) and electronic components.
A travel from the earth to out ...
To picturize,1) the connection between outer space and a meter scale in 10X m, 2) the velocity of a space ship which is moving away from earth approaching the velocity of light c 3), space ship ti...
Application for school organization
Use of the program INSTANT DEVELOPPER (INDE) in order to create a platform suitable for school, creating a database useful for the school organization such as the attendance record of students, a ...
Mobile connectivity
The main objective of this project is for students to know and understand the basic concepts of cellular mobile phone networks.
Preparing a meal without a recipe
To make students guess what kind of ingredients and spices are used in a meal, to make them evaluate cooking techniques and prepare a similar meal
Preparing Educational Materials in Child Development Area
To make students learn educational materials that can be used in child development area, gain practical skills and create innovative products
Turn your Smart Phone into a 175-400x ...
Para explicar os fundamentos de um microscópio Uma configuração de microscópio para um smartphone para ampliar e registrar o comportamento de objetos de 175 a 400x. Exemplos de uso de biologia e / ou física.
Medindo as habilidades auditivas na família
To get an overview of hearing ability (disability) by means of audiograms from child, junior, mother, father, grandfather, and compare these results to the average hearing persons in relevant age i...
Jogo e programa
To learn JavaScript programming
Using Robots to sort objects according to ...
To help students design, build and program a robotic system that can identify at least three different colors of LEGO elements and sort them into separate locations.
Using Robots to remove an object from ...
To help students to design and build autonomous robots that can locate and remove objects from a defined space. More specifically, using the LEGO MINDSTORMS kit and ROBOLAB programming language, th...