@george agora mesmo ativos Casa Atividade Perfil Amigos 2 Grupos 4 Fóruns Tópicos iniciados Respostas criadas Engagements Favoritos Search topics: Topics Engaged In A visualizar 10 tópicos - de 1 a 10 (de um total de 10) Tópico Utilizadores Artigos Último artigo Issues of Quality in Greek Teacher Education Criado por: George Atzemian em: PBL in Greece 1 1 Há 5 years, 1 month George Atzemian Education for Sustainability: Experiences from Greece Criado por: George Atzemian em: PBL in Greece 1 1 Há 5 years, 2 meses George Atzemian Examples of PBL in Engineering Criado por: George Atzemian em: PBL for Software Engineering 3 4 Há 5 years, 3 meses Raja Jamilah Raja Yusof Examples of Gamification in Education Criado por: George Atzemian em: Integrating PBL with Gamification 2 4 Há 5 years, 3 meses Martin Sillaots Vital PBL Tools, Apps & Resources Criado por: George Atzemian em: PBL Tools and Approaches 2 2 Há 5 years, 3 meses Sam Rany Basic Concept & Tips Criado por: George Atzemian em: PBL Tools and Approaches 1 1 Há 5 years, 3 meses George Atzemian PBL in Engineering Criado por: George Atzemian em: PBL for Software Engineering 1 1 Há 5 years, 3 meses George Atzemian What Works Best in A.I.-based PBL Projects Criado por: George Atzemian em: Artificial Intelligence in Education and PBL 1 1 Há 5 years, 4 meses George Atzemian How A.I. is Changing Teaching: Personalized Learning Criado por: George Atzemian em: Artificial Intelligence in Education and PBL 1 1 Há 5 years, 4 meses George Atzemian How does PBL with Gamification work? Criado por: George Atzemian em: Integrating PBL with Gamification 1 1 Há 5 years, 4 meses George Atzemian A visualizar 10 tópicos - de 1 a 10 (de um total de 10)