ERD design
Design a database and draw an ERD for a certain scenario
Thiết kế sơ đồ thực thể cho ...
Thiết kế cơ sở dữ liệu và vẽ ERD cho một kịch bản nhất định
Problem published by: Zaharouli Theano Network-Simulator 3 provides an open source simulation platform networks for the study and development of simulation scenarios for the field of telecommunicat...
Chess in java (EN)
Problem published by: Zaharouli Theano This problem aims to create a chess game that you will play by two players and one of the two must win. To build this game you must use the java programming l...
Learning Programming Language (EN)
Problem published by: Zaharouli Theano Sololearn aims to help people who want to learn a programming language through the many programming topics it has. Also the application aims to teach coding c...
Learning Machine-Learning with Weka (EN)
Problem published by: Eleni Koutsoni The aim of the problem is to introduce the student to the understanding of its basic algorithms of Machine Learning through the Waikato Machine Learning softwa...
Mengajar Pemodelan Perisian dengan Kod Sumber dan ...
Membuat pelajar yang tidak mempunyai latar belakang sains komputer untuk memahami hubungan antara pemodelan aliran kawalan, kod sumber, dan bagaimana ini akan mempengaruhi tingkah laku perisian.
Mengajar Pengurusan Risiko Projek menggunakan Lego Mindstorm
Untuk membuat pelajar memahami konsep risiko dalam pengurusan projek.