Economic and technical analysis of RES with ...
The software enables the complete identification, evaluation and optimization of the technical and economic viability of potential renewable energy projects and energy efficiency.
Circuit analysis using LTspice XVII
Objectives of using LTspice XVII are the implementation, analysis and resolution of a circuit.
Mathematical calculations with MATLAB
MATLAB is an interactive program for numerical calculations and data visualization with programming capabilities that make it a powerful and useful tool in mathematics and science.
• Τηλεδιάσκεψη με το MS_Teams
Οι στόχοι της χρήσης του MS_Teams ειναι να συνδέσει ανθρώπους απο διαφορετικές περιοχές με την τηλεδιασκεψη και να εκμηδενίσει τις αποστάσεις