Model simulation of real-world components with Simulink.

សម្ព័ន្ធភាព៖ Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Thessaly
ដំណោះស្រាយ៖ បុគ្គល | រយៈពេល៖ ពីរទៅបួនម៉ោង



The goal of using Simulink is to create and simulate models of real-world components and embedded systems to predict their behavior. Engineers will be able to explore and implement new designs without using programming languages (e.g C, C++)


Due to the fact that Simulink is a model-based platform, students will easily create and optimize their design. Thousands or even millions simulations will help them set and adapt the right parameters so as to achieve the best performance. In addition, through analyzing their algorithm, they can define a better system architecture and include more complex logic.


Students are able to use the simulation environment for their system so as to understand better its function. The fact that all parameters can change many times and students can add more in every simulation leads to a better and more general view of the problem. In addition, the opportunity of having thousands of simulations creates a better implementation of the system. Teacher has a key role in using Simulink, because they can help by explaining the complex logic that is needed for the design and they can understand better the system's architecture that student have chosen. Another advantage of using this program is that good knowledge of programming is not required, since code can be extracted automatically or as prototypes for future use.