The objective of this task is to create a mathematical model of a simple DC (Direct Current) motor and afterwards to simulate its operation with MATLAB – either with its SIMULINK graphical programm...

Basic image processing
Goals of the problem: 1. read and print an image 2. basic processes (double processing, reverse) of an image 3. turn image into black and white 4. histogram equalization 5. implement photo stacking...

Lists and sorting
Goal of this activity is the implementation of doubly linked lists and sorting algorithms in programming language C. Moreover, the comparative measurement of the performance of the algorithms.

Βασική επεξεργασία εικόνας
Στόχοι της εργασίας είναι: 1. διάβασμα και εκτύπωση εικόνας 2. βασικοί μετασχηματισμοί (διπλασιασμός, υποδυπλασιασμός, αναστροφή) εικόνας 3. μετατροπή εικόνας σε ασπρόμαυρη 4. εξισορρόπηση ιστογράμ...

Λίστες και ταξινόμηση
Στόχοι της εργασίας είναι η υλοποίηση διπλά συνδεδεμένων λιστών και αλγορίθμων ταξινόμησης σε γλώσσα C. Επίσης, η συγκριτική μέτρηση της επίδοσης των εξεταζόμενων αλγορίθμων.

Program the Tower of Hanoi Puzzle
The purpose of the activity is to demonstrate the principle of recursion through a classic mathematical problem, namely the Tower of Hanoi. Students are called to introduce. Furthermore, the activi...

Learn the function of a photonic microscope
The microscope is a fundamental instrument for studying microorganisms, cells and tissues It also constitutes a basic tool for any kind of practice in the field of biology. For the purpose of this...

Develop a basic bank account management system
The activity aims at introducing students with basic concepts and skills related to the implementation of Database Management Systems. The activity addresses the topics of storage and index structu...

Twitterist teadmiste ammutamine
Selle tegevuse eesmärk on, et õpilased rakendaksid twitteri kommentaaridest teadmiste ammutamise meetodit, kasutades korralikke algoritme ja nende toetatud teeke.

Build a data mining system
The goal of the activity is to expose students to basic data mining principles of organizing and extracting data from large databases. It further encourages students to apply these principles in pr...

Create an inventory manager
The goal of the exercise is to create an inventory manager that will be digitally administered. The learner must create a schema for managing the necessary information, design and enter into the sc...

Create an Envkids green city
The students will need to create a city as green and easy to live in as possible. They will be using the Energy demonstrator of the Envkids project, available at this URL : http://ohmpro.org/envkids/