Develop a program to regulate vehicle traffic over a narrow bridge to ensure the following properties: 1. There are no vehicles moving in opposite directions on the bridge. 2. There shall be no mo...

Solving the 8 queens puzzle
The 8 queens puzzle is the problem of placing 8 chess queens on an 8x8 board so that no queen is threatening each other. You must code in C/C++ to solve this problem, you will only need an editor t...

Introduction to Flowchart
To make students understand the symbols and the meanings of the symbols, and how to connect it correctly in a given scenario.

Basic image processing
Goals of the problem: 1. read and print an image 2. basic processes (double processing, reverse) of an image 3. turn image into black and white 4. histogram equalization 5. implement photo stacking...

Βασική επεξεργασία εικόνας
Στόχοι της εργασίας είναι: 1. διάβασμα και εκτύπωση εικόνας 2. βασικοί μετασχηματισμοί (διπλασιασμός, υποδυπλασιασμός, αναστροφή) εικόνας 3. μετατροπή εικόνας σε ασπρόμαυρη 4. εξισορρόπηση ιστογράμ...

Peer-to-peer multicast chat
To help students to better understand the multicast in application