Introduction to Line Drawing Algorithm
To help the student to understand the algorithm of line drawing They will learn 3 simple algorithms: Line Equation Algorithm, Digital Differential Algorithm and Bresenham Algorithm.
The purpose of this project is for university students to learn and understand how malware defense software (M.D.S.) works through the process of creating one. The goal is to defend their system ag...
Develop a program to regulate vehicle traffic over a narrow bridge to ensure the following properties: 1. There are no vehicles moving in opposite directions on the bridge. 2. There shall be no mo...
Solving the 8 queens puzzle
The 8 queens puzzle is the problem of placing 8 chess queens on an 8x8 board so that no queen is threatening each other. You must code in C/C++ to solve this problem, you will only need an editor t...
Creation of an Algorithm to Sovle a ...
This project will introduce students to an algorithmic way of thinking in order to solve a very popular puzzle known as the Rubik's Cube. This problem will also familiriaze them with the use of a p...
Web Development and Web Interactive Apps
The goal of this project is to learn how to design and develop a website and an interactive web applications. Through codecademy platform, the user will get to know Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)...
Learning Machine-Learning with Weka
Στόχος του προβλήματος είναι η εισαγωγή του φοιτητή στην κατανόηση βασικών αλγορίθμων της επιστήμης του Machine Learning μέσω της σουίτας λογισμικού Μηχανικής Μάθησης Waikato Environment for Knowle...
Mainan yang bersepah di bilik
Pelajar dikehendaki mencari cara yang terpantas untuk menyusun mainan yang bersepah di dalam bilik.