@plazarides सक्रिय अहिले घर गतिविधि प्रोफाइल साथीहरु समूहहरू 4 फोरमहरू समस्याहरू Topics Started Replies Created Engagements Favorites Search topics: Topics Engaged In Viewing 6 topics - 1 through 6 (of 6 total) Topic Voices पोस्टहरु Last Post Examples of using A.I. in Education Started by: Paraskevas Lazaridis in: Artificial Intelligence in Education and PBL 2 2 4 years, 2 महिना पहिले ग्रेगरी एन्डरसन A simple approach to PBL activities creation and execution Started by: Paraskevas Lazaridis in: PBL Tools and Approaches 1 1 5 years पहिले परास्कावास लाजरिडिस Thoughts on overcoming most common PBL difficulties Started by: Paraskevas Lazaridis in: PBL Tools and Approaches 1 1 5 years पहिले परास्कावास लाजरिडिस Why A.I. is useful for the education industry Started by: Paraskevas Lazaridis in: Artificial Intelligence in Education and PBL 1 1 5 years पहिले परास्कावास लाजरिडिस Points and notifications Started by: Paraskevas Lazaridis in: Problems and Suggestions for the ALIEN PBL Platform 1 1 5 years पहिले परास्कावास लाजरिडिस Benefits of Gamification in Learning Started by: Paraskevas Lazaridis in: Integrating PBL with Gamification 1 1 5 years पहिले परास्कावास लाजरिडिस Viewing 6 topics - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)