Classcraft and gamified assessment

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  • लेखक
  • #34274

    Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. The best way to gamify Problem-Solving Learning is Classcraft, an app for gamified lessons. In other words, is a game in which students complete quests and at the same time actually learning.
    The teacher has the opportunity to modify the quest depending on the needs of the students or the goals that they’ve already set in PBL. When students complete a quest their reward in the game is experience points (XP) in order to carry on to the next level. The teacher can evaluate the students’ behavior and progress by giving or removing bonuses (for example, extra life of the game character) in real time. Moreover, Classcraft allows the student to learn at their own pace since additional side quests can be added for the early-finishers keeping them occupied and giving them the opportunity to gain more knowledge and XP.
    So as to have more profitable results from using Classcraft, it’s really important that the procedure of assessment is also gamified. The teacher can use many methods for that besides the one mentioned to the previous paragraph. Some of them are: to have the students fill out surveys with extra XP for submission in time, to evaluate their team or to provide them with rubrics in the form of a treasure map. To keep them interested after they finish the quests, the teacher can reward them with game rewards (XP, gold or various items) or physical rewards (a certificate, a scroll or a metal). Lastly, their collaboration and their soft skills as a group can be evaluated and rewarded in the same way.

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