Business Passenger
The goal of this design problem is to develop a persona for each of the business passengers in the design problem.

A series of computer simulations that ‘illustrate’ ...
Problem published by: Ioannis Mpatsios The work is based on teaching courses on static electricity and simple electrical circuits. The main purpose of the teaching series is to help students develo...

Learning Machine-Learning with Weka (EN)
Problem published by: Eleni Koutsoni The aim of the problem is to introduce the student to the understanding of its basic algorithms of Machine Learning through the Waikato Machine Learning softwa...

Service Learning in the Human-Computer Interaction Course
Students need to learn to understand the needs of users, which is older adult in the production of interaction games.

Pembelajaran Perkhidmatan di dalam Kursus Interaksi Insani-Komputer
Pelajar perlu belajar memahami keperluan pengguna iaitu warga emas dalam penghasilan permainan interaksi.

Pengelasan Algoritma Susunan Menggunakan Teknik Buzz Group ...
Sesi ini adalah supaya pelajar mengetahui tentang 5 algoritma susunan yang penting dan juga bagaimana mereka digunakan. Pelajar juga perlu membuat perbincangan tentang kelebihan dan kelemahan serta...

Classifying Sorting Algorithm Using Buzz Group and ...
This session is to enable student to learn about 5 major sorting algorithm as well as how they are implemented and classification. The student should also be able to discuss the advantages and disa...

Memahami Konsep Algoritma Kawalan Aliran Menggunakan Dron ...
Modul ini bertujuan untuk pelajar menggunakan algoritma kawalan aliran untuk melakukan navigasi dron secara automatik. Pada akir modul ini, pelajar akan dapat menulis program Python/DroneBlocks men...