Kuulmisvõimete mõõtmine perekonnas
To get an overview of hearing ability (disability) by means of audiograms from child, junior, mother, father, grandfather, and compare these results to the average hearing persons in relevant age i...

Esita ja programmeeri
To learn JavaScript programming

Using Robots to sort objects according to ...
To help students design, build and program a robotic system that can identify at least three different colors of LEGO elements and sort them into separate locations.

Using Robots to remove an object from ...
To help students to design and build autonomous robots that can locate and remove objects from a defined space. More specifically, using the LEGO MINDSTORMS kit and ROBOLAB programming language, th...

eCity Distribución de Energía
El principal objetivo de esta unidad didáctica es que los estudiantes conozcan y entiendan los conceptos básicos de la distribución de energía.

Digital Skills for Employability and Social Inclusion ...
To help students to learn a range of tasks to improve digital competencies, problem solving and analytical thinking skills in an environment inspired by workplace. They will play the Employ game, w...

Spaghetti Bridge Competition
Design and build a bridge out of (uncooked!) spaghetti to carry a load of 1kg across a gap of 500mm using as little spaghetti as possible. The bridge must be wide enough to include a 50mm wide thin...

Creating an earthquake-resistant city
The problem aims to build STEM skills among secondary education students by combining knowledge from diverse subjects for solving a real life engineering problem through a methodology that simulate...