Current Situation: Computer Science as a subject in Greek Schools

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  • #34198

    Almost every year the Greek Ministry Of Education and Religious Affairs makes
    minor changes to the curricula of every stage of education (preschool to high school),
    yet the course of Computer Science seems to be neglected. The Greek Primary
    school last for 6 years , but only in the last two there is an hour per week for
    the course of Computer Science. The high school offers two hours per week in each
    year (consists of three years) but is not mandatory. The junior high school lasts for
    three years and in each year there are two hours per week for courses dedicated to
    Computer Science and Technology. Additionally the equipment that is provided it
    is at least outdated if not dysfunctional. The students are called to work on 15 year
    old machines running programs that even their developers have stopped supporting.
    Although teachers try their best to teach their students the lack of funding and time
    are major problems[1]. Moreover the teachers tend to guide the students
    step by step to the expected results and goals of each course[2]. The students seem
    more interested to their social media than Logo (programming language). Most of all, the students are not interested for in-class activities because so far all of them are dictated by their teachers and neglect students’ creativity and imagination[1]. The courses are more about passive learning on the theoretical aspect than active thinking and programming.


    [1] K.Μαυραγάνης, Πληροφορική στην εκπαίδευση: Η επιστήμη του μέλλοντος στα ελληνικά σχολεία του σήμερα, Huffington Post Greece, 23-May-2015.
    [Online]. Available:

    [2] D. Alimisis, “Educational Robotics: New Challenges and
    Trends”,Themes in Science and Technology Education, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 63-71, 2013

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