Incorporating AI in PBL

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  • #34266

    On one hand, there is Problem Based Learning which is an educational approach that requires critical consideration of possible solutions to a real world problem and provides students with creativity, critical thinking and communication.
    On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings diverse implications and immense potential for application. It is almost impossible to predict the scope and impact that artificial intelligence will have in the future.
    That being said, students who work on such projects not only have to consider their technical aspect, but also explore legal and economic factors and on top of all ethical implications while experiencing AI in a variety of subject areas and fields. In addition, by incorporating AI in Problem Based Learning, students have the opportunity to apply concepts immediately rather than wonder about their usefulness after class has ended, thus increasing their motivation for the course.

    While creating engaged teams of learners in the classroom, the following aspects should be considered, derived out of Artificial Intelligence:
    1. Interdisciplinary projects: Students rarely process and deeply understand lessons taught in isolation. They are far more likely to retain learning if it connects across multiple disciplines.
    2. Flexibility: Learning is about being curious and taking risks. Allow students the opportunity to make mistakes and recover from them as part of the learning process. Provide sufficient time for exploration, discovery, and reflection.
    3. A focus on capacity: AI is changing the focus on what is important. Acquiring a lot of knowledge is no longer enough. Our students today have the knowledge of the world at their fingertips. They must know how and when to apply it, ethically and legally.

    Summing up, together AI and PBL seem like a match made in heaven. Incorporating AI in Problem Based Learning will position students as life-long learners that can problem solve in a modern world.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 kuud tagasi by DimitriosDimitrios.
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