Domain Ontology and Requirements specification
Read the case given below and do the following: 1. Draw Domain Ontology (separately mention concepts, relations, and Axioms) 2. Write two boiler plate Reqs 3. Mention requirements suggestions based...

How to write a Great Software: Analyzing ...
The overall goal of this OOA&D Task is to understand the Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA&D) Principles and How to write a Great Software.

Identification of Security Requirements through Misuse-cases
to identify the security requirements with the help of misuse cases.

Viewpoints identification
To enable the students to learn to pick out certain types of viewpoints from a given scenario

Creating UML Diagram for Medical Practice Case ...
To enable students to create the UML diagram for a medical practice case study. They will achieve this goal in several processes, where first they have to understand the case study of a medical pr...

Develop a program to regulate vehicle traffic over a narrow bridge to ensure the following properties: 1. There are no vehicles moving in opposite directions on the bridge. 2. There shall be no mo...

Solving the 8 queens puzzle
The 8 queens puzzle is the problem of placing 8 chess queens on an 8x8 board so that no queen is threatening each other. You must code in C/C++ to solve this problem, you will only need an editor t...

Web Development and Web Interactive Apps
The goal of this project is to learn how to design and develop a website and an interactive web applications. Through codecademy platform, the user will get to know Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)...