Machine learning using TensorFlow
The purpose of the problem is to familiarize students with the concept of Machine Learning and specifically with the field of Neural Networks. Students will learn the basic usage of TensorFlow whic...

Programmeerimisoskuste laiendamine koodsõjadega
Codewars parandab inimese programmeerimisoskusi paljudes arvutitehnika valdkondades. Nad saavad tuttavaks algoritmide, stringidega manipuleerimise ja andmestruktuuridega, mis on hädavajalikud ...

Shakespeare Chatterbot using Machine Learning Techniques
Εξάσκηση φοιτητών στην εξοικείωση και χρησιμοποίηση τεχνικών μηχανικής μάθησης, βελτιστοποίηση και αξιολόγηση αλγορίθμων.

DroidbotX: GUI testing tool
The goal is to test Android apps with automatically generating user interaction to ensure that users don't encounter unexpected results or have an unsatisfactory experience when interacting with yo...

Check whether given number is perfect OR ...
The objective of this activity is to check whether given number is perfect or not.

Find Grade of Student
The objective of this activity is to Compute Grade of Student.

Compute Area of a Circle
The objective of this activity is to Compute Area of Circle.

Spotify Artist Catalogue Manager
The goal of this design problem is to develop an artist persona