COVID 19 Pandemics
The objective of this project is to develop a serious game to raise the awareness about the current COVID-19 pandemic. The game can focus on the actions to prevent the progress of the infection, th...
Χρήση cerego στην προβληματοκεντρική μάθηση
Η δραστηριότητα που θα αναπτύξουμε έχει ως κύριο μέλημα της, την βελτίωση επίδοσης της μνήμης των φοιτητών. Οι φοιτητές θα είναι σε θέση να χρησιμοποιούν το εκπαιδευτικό / λογισμικό cerego το οποίο...
Músculos e Engenharia
Os alunos irão aprender como os músculos funcionam e como os engenheiros biomédicos podem contribuir para manter o sistema em bom estado. Iseäranis irão criar os seus próprios dispositivos bio ...
Õpilased saavad rohkem teada, kuidas lihased töötavad ja kuidas biomeditsiiniinsenerid aitavad lihassüsteemi tervena hoida. Inseneriprojekti järgides loovad nad oma biomeditsiinilise seadme ...
Preparing a meal without a recipe
To make students guess what kind of ingredients and spices are used in a meal, to make them evaluate cooking techniques and prepare a similar meal
Turn your Smart Phone into a 175-400x ...
To explain the basics of a microscope A microscope set-up for a Smart Phone to magnify and record the behaviour of objects from 175 to 400x Examples of usage from biology and/or physics.
Kuulmisvõimete mõõtmine perekonnas
To get an overview of hearing ability (disability) by means of audiograms from child, junior, mother, father, grandfather, and compare these results to the average hearing persons in relevant age i...
Digital Skills for Employability and Social Inclusion ...
To help students to learn a range of tasks to improve digital competencies, problem solving and analytical thinking skills in an environment inspired by workplace. They will play the Employ game, w...