DroidbotX: GUI testing tool

Δεσμός: University of Malaya
Ανάλυση: Individual, Group
Διάρκεια: Μία έως δύο ώρες



The goal is to test Android apps with automatically generating user interaction to ensure that users don't encounter unexpected results or have an unsatisfactory experience when interacting with your app.

Στόχοι μάθησης

The aim is to experience the process of testing Android app through user interaction to detect crashes and verify the functionality and accuracy of Android apps’ UI components.


Testing is an essential part of developing an Android app, particularly GUI Testing. GUI testing aims to verify the app’s functionality, usability, and consistency before they are released to the market. In GUI testing, the test input will be based on user interaction to identify the crashes of the app under test. The project is aimed at students studying Software Engineering and Computer Science. However, any mobile app developer is also a target learner. This exercise would increase students understanding of GUI testing and offer straightforward opportunity for testing any Android app.