Create and test a network virtually with GNS3

Δεσμός: Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλίας
Ανάλυση: Individual, Group
Διάρκεια: Two to four hours, More than four hours



The activity encourages students to design, build, and test a network from the safe environment of a virtual simulation. The proposed simulation tool may be used by students that wish to engage with additional practical applications of network design, complementing the theoretical classroom teaching and the practical activities taking place in a virtual lab. The application may be used as a learning tool in formal educational contexts as well as for designing real world networks.

Στόχοι μάθησης

The proposed GNS3 network simulation tool aims to build network design and development knowledge among engineering students and professionals. The tool allows participants to practice hands-on in a virtual environment towards designing and developing a network inspired by real world needs. It allows students and engineers to engage with virtual and real networks in design, configuration, testing, and troubleshooting activities. Participants may experiment with equipment from different vendors to design small or larger network topologies. Participants will develop practical knowledge on network design that they can directly deploy in real-world projects.


The tool may be used for: - Allowing students to get additional practice on network design in a virtual environment. - Preparing students to take final semester exams or network certification exams. - Enabling professionals to verify and test real world networks, from small topologies to very large configurations.