Sistemas Numéricos
Este problema pretende fornecer aos alunos uma compreensão básica de como funcionam os sistemas numéricos, desde binários a hexadecimais.

Learning Pythagorean theorem using Luna
In mathematics, the Pythagorean theorem, or Pythagoras's theorem, is a fundamental relation in Euclidean geometry among the three sides of a right triangle. Luna is digital assistant which studen...

FractalX – Ένα έργο προσομοίωσης στο Unity
Συντάκτης προβλήματος: Choropanitis Paschalis Το FractalX είναι ένα έργο παιχνιδιού προσομοίωσης, όπου ο παίκτης μπορεί να εξερευνήσει και να προσαρμόσει τις προτιμήσεις του, διάφορους τύπους αναδρ...

FractalX – A fractal simulation project in ...
FractalX is a fractal simulation game project where the player can explore and customize to his – her liking, various types of recursive mathematical equations that end up creating beautiful and in...

The objective is to study the probability theory and mathematical statistics by applying a modern approach of teaching/learning – namely some applications of computational mathematics systems (Мapl...

Целта на занятието е да се изучи теория на вероятностите и математическата статистика по съвременен начин – с помощта на някои от системите за компютърна математика (Мaple, MathCad , Excel и Mathem...

Partial Derivatives
Introduce partial derivatives to students.

Creation of an Algorithm to Sovle a ...
This project will introduce students to an algorithmic way of thinking in order to solve a very popular puzzle known as the Rubik's Cube. This problem will also familiriaze them with the use of a p...