Simulate circuit design using Logisim
This activity allows students to design and simulate digital logic circuits through the Logisim digital simulating tool. The tool features a simple-to-learn interface, hierarchical circuits, wire b...

Εισαγωγή στη λογική του προγραμματισμού
Το Scratch (https://scratch.mit.edu/) βοηθά τους νέους να μάθουν να σκέφτονται δημιουργικά, μεθοδικά και να συνεργάζονται - βασικές δεξιότητες για τη ζωή στον 21ο αιώνα. Στόχος του είναι να διδάξει...

Understanding technical debt
To understand the concept of technical debt, which refers to the fact that a project implementation team will benefit in the long-term from additional, up-front investment in the sound organization...

Falling Words – Typing Game
The reason why we created this game with my team is to help, as much as possible, Greeks (mainly students) to learn the correct spelling of words, and also to help them learn to type faster. In ad...

Subnetting Network Topologies
The goal of this exercise is for students to learn and understand how the subnetting of a network topology works and how they can subnet a network by their selves. Students will subnet the network ...

Simulator based FWB DC Power Supply
The objective of this activity is to implement Full Wave Bridge DC Power Supply circuit with the help of simulator.

Целта на занятието е да се изчислят показатели по надеждност(reliability indicators) на електронна система(electronic system) – интензивност на отказите(failure rates) на елементите и системата, ве...

The goal is to: - Encourage youth to develop a deeper consideration of the systems that deliver us power. - Identify the best solution considering on the various obstacles in the area for maximum ...