Create an Envkids green city

Принадлежност: Университет в Тесалия
Резолюция: Индивидуално, групово
Продължителност: По-малко от час

Общ преглед


The students will need to create a city as green and easy to live in as possible. They will be using the Energy demonstrator of the Envkids project, available at this URL :

Цели на обучението

The Energy demonstrator of the Envkids project focuses on city-level solutions and policies on energy production aiming at pollution control and better quality of life. The learning tool focuses on both traditional energy production methods, such as oil-based, and emerging ones, such as solar and wind-based. Many concepts will need to be integrated in order to fulfill the task and solve the problem, such as: the impact of the landscape on a city, the importance of a city layout, the different types of energy production and their impact, the impact of the transportation system (both public and private), recycling and more.


Acceptance of environmentally-friendly practices, such as renewable energy solutions, is still low facing high resistance by local communities. This points to the urgent need for environmental education, especially targeting the next generation. The stakes are high: modern society cannot afford failure in the environmental education of children. The current problem aims to raise awareness on environmental sustainability and climate change mitigation activities among elementary school youngsters through age-appropriate on-line educational activities.