Memahami Konsep Algoritma Kawalan Aliran Menggunakan Dron ...
Модул за първоначално извличане на алгоритъм за управление на алгоритъм, който се използва за автоматично управление. Pada akir modul ini, pelajar akan dapat menulis програма Python / DroneBlocks мъже ...
Compute Grade of Student
The objective of this activity is to Compute Grade of Student with respect to marks using Conditional Statement (ELSE IF).
Convert Number into Text.
The objective of this activity is to convert number to text (123 to One Hundred Twenty Three).
Arrange the balls in Ascending order
The objective of this activity is to arrange the balls using selection sort techniques.
Merancang Rajah Mesin Keadaan untuk Memodelkan Perisian ...
Untuk membuat pelajar belajar bagaimana merancang gambarajah mesin negara UML berdasarkan senario kehidupan sebenar sistem.
Menyiasat Artifak Perisian menggunakan Pengujian Statik Mengkaji-Semula
Tujuannya adalah untuk mengalami proses formal Uji Ulasan dalam memeriksa artefak Perisian untuk mengesan kecacatan.
Understanding Control Flow Algorithm Using Drone and ...
This module aims to enable students to use basic control flow algorithm to automatically navigate drones. At the end of the module, the student should be able write a Python program that uses the c...
Επίλυση του παζλ των 8 Βασιλισσών
Το παζλ των 8 βασιλισσών είναι το πρόβλημα της τοποθέτησης 8 βασιλισσών σκακιού σε ένα ταμπλό 8x8, ώστε να μην υπάρχει βασίλισσα που να απειλεί η μία την άλλη. Πρέπει να κωδικοποιήσετε στο C / C ++...