Circuit analysis using LTspice XVII
Objectives of using LTspice XVII are the implementation, analysis and resolution of a circuit.
Mathematical calculations with MATLAB
MATLAB is an interactive program for numerical calculations and data visualization with programming capabilities that make it a powerful and useful tool in mathematics and science.
Направете го с circuitlab!
Всички знания на електроинженерите започват от верига. Много пъти правилният дизайн на веригата е решението на техния проблем. е безплатен онлайн инструмент, който ви позволява ...
Създайте мечтите си с ... Autocad!
Основната цел на използването на Autocad по време на урока е да се учи в реална рамка дизайн на рамки на сгради и съоръжения. Накратко, чрез възможностите му студентите могат да направят своите теоретични ...
Σκοπός είναι να προτείνεται στον χρήστη η διανιή μμδδα βάση κάποιων συγκεκριμένων επιλογών
Our goals in a nutshell are : 1. help people who bet on sports find the best rate of return between the betting apps/sites 2. organize their bets from all different apps/sites to one aggregate s...
Arya – Smart Chatbot
The goal of the problem is to make people's lives easier through the chatbot, as they will have a computer assistant named Arya to have a friendly chat with them , automate their daily tasks on th...
Watchnext , find your movie
The main purpose of this project is the development of a web-based application where you can search for movies and TV series. Using the application anyone can find information about a movie and cre...